Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Phase One 60 MEGAPIXEL digital back!!!

I am not the biggest fan of 6x4.5 digital format for medium format cameras. Maybe that is why I have only rented them for shoots.

Phase One have recently came out with its new 60 Megapixel destroyer. With a wide ISO range (50-800) and 8984 x 6732 pixels with 1 frame per second Phase one has taken another stride to stay ahead of the competition. This just days after Hasselblad made the 50 megapixel announcement. With a price tag of just under $42,000 thats $1440.00 per megapixel, I don't think I will be reaching for my check book just yet but! I will try the Phase one out on my Hassy as soon as I can. Now if they can just make an actual 6x6 format (8984 x 8984). Let the Pixel wars continue...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

MyLoss My decision

A difficult decision had to be made last September when I started to hear my 1 terabyte external hard drive start to click quite a bit.

I discovered that it was failing and the drive with which I had 110,000 photos on was destroying itself. Two weeks later my second Back up external failed too! At that point I was not the biggest back up proponent in the world but I am now!

Ironically just before the drives failed I was complaining about how much time I was spending on the computer and not behind the camera. During film days you drop it off and you pick it up the next day. No big deal. Well technology has now allowed us to be the individuals we have always wanted to be and that comes with a price. The price of hanging over a computer for more that a few hours at a time.

Again I never really liked doing post work. But after I was lucky enough to have all of the photos recovered I never looked back. Why you might ask. Because I had about $40,000 bucks worth of photos that had not been delivered to my clients yet. Let alone the rest of my photos saved on those dam drives.

Post production has never been more of a joy for me because of the care I put in to them. For those of you that do not enjoy it get some one else to do it or build a system so that it goes faster for you.

Be thankful for what you have, because it can disappear in a flash.