Friday, June 6, 2008

Chase Jarvis: "We Are Independant, Yet We Are Somehow The Same".

Grant Haller, photographer for the Seattle Post Intelligencer once told me, way back when I was starting in the photo biz, that every photo has already been created. I couldn't believe what he said. I had the mind to think I was the ultimate creator and was going to come up with new interesting photos that would capture and hold viewers' attentions for hours.

I recently read on Chase Jarvis's blog his thoughts of how other photos looked like his and how ideas have sat in his notes and have not come to fruition for him. I think this is the same for most intelligent creative people and somewhat normal. There are only so many hours in the day. I recently shot photos that were an idea 4 months ago. Some might say they look like others photos but the idea popped up in my head way before I ever saw similars. Interestingly enough I just saw my website copied by another prominent photographer down to the color on the blog and the logo gradation.

Notwithstanding, it is our (my) intent as a photographer(s) and creator(s) to find, shoot, create and dream up interesting shots whether someone has shot it already or not and to make better photos through our own intent. I don't ever remember looking at photos and thinking "I want to do that or copy it". But sure as rye bread, I have seem similar work to mine that is not as good, that is for sure.

As I was discussing this same situation with Ken Sheppard of Azzura Photography last night over Mexican, he too expressed that the Internet has allowed the inundation of speed that spreads like wild fire. Post something, and bingo another amateur copies it.

Interestingly enough, we are all connected to one another in one way or another so I am no longer surprise to see parts of my ideas in some one elses photos. How many times have I seen my photos miss aligned in my portfolio after picking it up from an agency. We all know that they make copies of the photos they like just in case they need a fresh idea or to keep me on the front of their minds for the next project.

As for holding attention...We have created our own short stick with the bombardment of rapid fire society needing more, faster. I am not including "better" in this statement because I always want better from myself.