What an experience it was being in Peru. After getting back into the swing of things I have sometime before heading to Canada to write about the quick 10 day tour. I hope to produce a few blogs a day before the holidays chronicling the trip. (but don't hold your breath)
Ironically trying to get everything done before leaving for the trip was more than a small task. I don't think I got to work out for three weeks previous to the trip which was a concern but an unnecessary thought. Having trouble with high altitude in one of my favorite places, Steamboat Colorado, I took as much caution and advice from friends and family. I didn't want to have to take Diamox, the over the counter drug for altitude sickness while in Cuzco. So my great friend and fellow Photographer Adam Weintraub who has 10 years experience of traveling and living in Peru (he should, he married one) suggested to do like the Peruvians while in Peru. Eat, drink, chew "the Coca leaf". I was happier than a nerd in a tech store. Some folks don't like it but I felt like million bucks, and I didn't mind the taste.
Just to mention that Adam is the creator of the photoexperience.net work shops. You should check them out.
Back to Photography...The decision to packing camera gear differently was a two month task. Still and video in one bag. Which one, did I have to, need to, bring a back pack, could I roll the bag. Decisions decisions. And did it work? Well, well enough.
Couple of factors other than the ones mention above, carry on size, safety, stability of the case. Normally I use a big rolling Think Tank bag the "Airport Security" bag. Not the v2.0 the older one. I took it to Bali in 2007 and it fit in every overhead compartment even international flights. This time was going to be different traveling meaning more movement and without a home base per say and I would always need different lenses and so on.
I settled on the Think tank Airport Ultra Light. Now you have to be careful because Think Tank no longer sells the one I was using. I also purchase a Hardgig Storm Case 2500 in which the Airport Ultra Light fit it. The combination was advertised to go together but I do not see it that way on the Think Tank site now. This gave my back pack wheels in a sense, cuz if I am in an airport the ground is flat and I do not want to carry anything especially heavy camera gear. So this solved the transportation problem.
I quickly go tired of the back pack to be honest and switched to the Adventure Vest after my shoulders got sore the second day and was happy after that. I trimmed down the gear to essentials and went with what I needed and was able to get to my equipment much faster than taking the pack off every time. I like the roller hard case for the price, it is great protection for gear and makes a great chair in the airport. But I might go with a smaller Roller that has emergency shoulder straps for over all equipment as I did in Bali. With the new airline bag regs you will have to go with something more of the size of the Think Tank Airport International.
TSA locks are advisable in the states but don't use them internationally. Use zip ties. That way if you bag is searched while at an international airport they will not have to cut your nice TSA locks. Happened to me this trip. Really, it was only to keep the Pisco safe. More on that later.